Računi za električnu energiju mogu biti manji
Razvojem tehnologije, te sve većom konkurencijom na svjetskom tržištu, troškovi proizvodnje električne energije iz vlastite sunčane elektrane bilježe stalni pad…
Read moreWe have been doing business for 17 years and our primary goal has always been the satisfaction of our customers. The products are made of high quality materials, top-of-the-line design and are tested and certified according to EU norms. All our products have a CE mark which results in increased demand for our products.
The sale and delivery of products in addition to the Republic of Croatia goes to the area of South East Europe as well as the European Union.
Our team of people is constantly in touch with the market and follows its movement. Our goal is a better and cheaper product at customer’s request.
Own delivery or express delivery to guarantee delivery on time.
Our business goal is customer satisfaction, you can find us a trusted partner. Our business is based on good interpersonal relationships and respect for business principles and ethics.